Embellished animal print T-Shirt

How to wear the Safari trend

The Safari style offers an elegant look that’s both comfortable and eye catching. It’s so versatile you can use touches like palm print as an accent colour to accessorize a look, or be bold and go head to toe in animal prints. Whether you love a little or a lot, we’re taking a look at how to style up those feel-good utility pieces. Teaming them with great fitting shorts, comfy chino trousers and earthy, muted jackets, we’ll show you how it all comes together for a great look that’ll take you anywhere.

Chilled and chic all in one

T101 Cotton blend skirt

Summer’s a time to feel relaxed and enjoy warm, lazy days. Our Cotton Stretch range has the high style, low effort scene all wrapped up. Whether you’re on a stunning city break or strolling the parks right here at home, our Cotton Stretch Skirt in 100% cooling cotton will be your new best friend. Choose stone or olive colours for that hot from the Savannah feel. These are great teamed with an earthy, ethnic print t-shirt, or a tropical, laid-back shirt. It’s easy going either way and has comfort built in all day long thanks to extra flexible cotton.

Go bold for a confidence boost

Q656 Palm print casual dress

Palm prints are a great alternative to animal prints. They still ooze adventure and a summer free spirit yet have all the class of a timeless look. For a refreshing take on the trend how about our gorgeous sage palm print dress? It’s ideal for any occasion, with light coloured wedges, or dress it down for relaxed lunches with a pair of comfy flats and a tan shoulder bag for easy wearing style.

Easy going for any adventure

Q270 Utility style jacket

Who doesn’t love a great utility jacket? This easy wear piece in a versatile sandy hue is flattering and casual all at once. Lovely detail to the shoulders and turned up sleeves add to the charm, while large pockets are the signature style of the utility look. Perfect with contrasting navy jeans, or just as good with skirts like our burnt orange skirt with tie detail at the waist. It’s a sure fire wardrobe staple.

Q581 Burnt Orange Print Skirt

Super stylish yet relaxed

R317 Snake print dress

If you’re bold enough for top to toe animal print, you’ll look stunning in our easy going shirt dress. In lovely muted snake skin print, its belt draws you in at the waist to give you a flattering shape. Pockets and the shirt style are where the utility feel comes into its own. You can wear this with boots and layer with a polo neck on cooler days but on warm afternoons it’s perfect with white trainers or sandals for a casual Summer look. And if a whole outfit is too much, how about toning it down with our blouse? Tuck it in or wear it loose, it’s perfect with slim fit jeans in white for a laid back feel.

Accessories with a Safari twist

S354 Snake print bag

If you don’t want to go wild with the animal print, how about going low key and adding a splash of it, as a belt or earrings for an accent flavour.  Our classic clutch bag in a snake print is a great way to lift an outfit with just a touch of the trend. Even feet don’t miss out with our comfy moccasins, they offer just enough of a hint to the Safari theme to freshen up your favourite looks.

P684 Mocassin

Casual or smart, the full on Safari look is super stylish and easily dressed up or down, whatever your day brings. With such a choice, you can be as subtle or as bold as you like. If you want to explore more of our adventurous range, why not head online for our full collection?

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