A Closer Look at Slow Fashion

With sustainability in fashion becoming increasingly important due to the environmental impact of producing clothing, many people are taking a slower approach to styling. Learn more about slow fashion and how to adopt this mindset in our guide.

What is slow fashion?

Slow fashion encourages awareness of the resources and processes used to produce clothing. It’s the opposite of fast fashion, which promotes disposable, low-quality clothing, often made by exploiting the environment and garment workers.

Instead, the slow fashion movement is about buying quality pieces designed to last. Rather than following trends and reinventing your style every season, slow fashion encourages you to buy classic pieces that’ll look great for longer.

How to shop mindfully

Adopting a more mindful approach to shopping is one of the best ways to slow down consumption. Discover our top tips for conscious shopping to help you get the most out of your purchases for years to come.

1. Choose timeless pieces

At Damart, we have plenty of timeless classics, from trench coats to jeans, crisp blouses and cosy knitwear. However, everyone’s style is different, so keep this in mind when choosing your timeless pieces – there’s no right or wrong!

For example, if you know you prefer trousers to skirts, don’t keep buying styles you won’t wear. The same applies to colour – if there are certain shades you love, stick to these, whether neutrals, pastels or brights. Timeless doesn’t have to mean boring, so go as bold as you like. As long as you’ll wear what’s in your wardrobe season after season, it’s a good investment.

2. Opt for quality fabrics

Quality garments will stand the test of time, looking great for longer. Natural fibres like cotton, linen, wool and silk are excellent choices, while synthetic fibres can offer additional benefits, from thermal insulation to sweat-wicking properties. Take some time to find out which fabrics you like; for example, if you find wool itchy, then synthetic knitwear could be a better choice.

No matter the fabric, the key to keeping your clothing in good condition is to care for it correctly, from following the washing instructions on the garment label to repairing pieces rather than buying replacements.

3. Create a capsule wardrobe

Slow fashion lends itself to wardrobe organisation tools and techniques like the capsule wardrobe method, which can be helpful to streamline how much clothing you own. In addition, a capsule wardrobe can help you get more wear out of your clothes, especially if you choose versatile and timeless pieces, helping you create endless outfit combinations. Learn how to create a capsule wardrobe in our step-by-step guide.

Can sustainable fashion be affordable?

Sustainable fashion doesn’t have to be expensive. At Damart, we have high-quality women’s clothing at affordable prices, helping you achieve a timeless wardrobe that you enjoy wearing.

However, the most sustainable choice you can make is to wear and take care of the clothing you already own and minimise how many new items you buy. Shopping secondhand is another affordable option, and you can often find quality pieces for a fraction of the price they would cost to buy new – especially natural fibres like wool, cashmere and silk. Or, why not organise a clothes swap with friends to refresh your wardrobe on a budget?

For more fashion tips and advice, check out these related articles on our blog:

· How to edit your wardrobe

· Affordable fashion for spring and summer

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