Wear Tropicals your way this Summer | Damart Style Diaries

How to wear Tropicals this Summer

The tropical trend is here but there’s no need to be afraid, Damart are here to help you with ways to wear this busy print, without it overtaking your look!

We’ve put together some gorgeous outfits that you can look forward to wearing this Summer.

Embroidered Blouse

Embroidered Blouse and Cotton Stretch | Damart Style Diaries

Let’s start with a subtle way to introduce the tropical look to your wardrobe…our beautiful Embroidered Blouse! So versatile, you can dress it up or down, plus it’s cool and comfortable to wear, perfect for the holiday season. This casual black top features striking detail with brightly embroidered birds and flowers, team with our Cotton Stretch Trouser in our mint shade for a pop of colour. With five pocket styling for that traditional jeans look, they also give you a comfortable fit thanks to the stretch fabric and side elastication. A Summer classic, these trousers will see you right through the season. To finish this easy-to-wear tropical look, slip your feet into a pair of Wedges. Look chic in our modern espadrille-style sandals that come in a sophisticated black to go with all outfits from trousers to skirts to maxi dresses. They may be on trend, but they’re all about comfort too, with arch support and both crossover and ankle straps.

Printed Swimsuit

Swimsuit and Skirt | Damart Style Diaries

You’ll be ready to hit the beach in style in our second outfit! Look and feel gorgeous in our bold Tropical Swimsuit with its bright and colourful print. Ultra flattering with a figure- shaping design for a great silhouette, it has no underwiring so is really comfortable to wear all day long. It’s the perfect addition to your holiday wardrobe! It looks stunning worn with our Tiered Skirt in coral, giving you a beautiful, feminine look. It’s the attention to detail like the flared design and lace panelling that you’ll love and with elasticated waistband it gives you a comfortable fit too. Accessorise with a statement Necklace for that extra touch of style that will take this outfit from day through to evening, along with a pair of pretty sandals. Our Coussin d’air Adjustable Strap Sandals are Damart bestsellers for a reason! Super comfortable with cushioned lining that your feet will thank you for and adjustable straps to get the perfect fit. Plus they look great and come in a choice of 3 colours.

Tropical Print Beach Bag

Tropical Printeds Accessories | Damart Style Diaries

Finally for a relaxed daytime look this Summer, go for our Lace Detail Dress with Tunisian collar, full button fastening and tie waist belt. Floaty and feminine, its relaxed fit and lightweight fabric feels great to wear in the hot weather and is flattering for your figure. Add a tropical touch with our Floral Print Beach Bag – an absolute holiday essential! Carry your purse and sunglasses in style in this spacious cotton bag with a striking floral print and contrast jade green handle to brighten up your look. It features secure zip fastening, inside pocket, tassel key ring and a handy detachable inside pouch. To take this outfit from day to night, pop on a pair of metallic silver Mules – ours have a soft, cushioned leather insole and arch support – the perfect combination of style and comfort!


For more help and advice watch the video above for hints and tips from our expert Stylist Julie. If not head straight to our page on the Damart website now for your delicious summer print needs!

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